Help...are you there???
It was 8:20 in the morning today...I glanced out of my window which overlooked a lake, the early morning mist floating like wisps of smoke amongst the tress....really lucky to have such a view especially in a city like Pune!!! A certain bird (name, species, family unknown!!) had taken a fancy for my room window the past one month and keeps banging its wings on the glass early in the morning....don't know whether it was it's unique way of protesting against my roomie's bellowing(he calls it singing!!) while in the shower!!!
So, I was ironing my shirt(had to hurry due to the scheduled current cut at 8:30) when I saw a group of school kids on their bicycles pedal their way to the junction of the road beside the lake and then stop!!! They were all shapes, sizes and age!!!The eldest seemed to be in the tenth while the youngest probably in Nursery ......anyway, all of them stopped in a neat row, and turned around waiting for the ones who were lagging behind. The tinies sat on the backseats of the elder ones who were shouting out to the younger riders to stay by the side of the road!!When all had regrouped, they all set out again, their bells ringing out, as before in a neat one trying to overtake the other...all set to face another new day at school!!
How many of us wait for others at office, lending a helping hand when required, without competing and back stabbing???? Very few!!!
Go to the coffee vending machine, and a neat queue of people is a rare sight...the short ones try to sneak through while the huge ones use their sheer strength to push others out!!!
Somewhere along the corporate path which we have travelled, we have left behind the etiquette and helping mentality instilled in us by our parents and teachers.. Its me and me alone( and maybe my girlfriend/boyfriend)....
As one of my friend was saying there are 3 types of people:
1)Those who genuinely hear your problems and try to lend a helping hand.
2)Those who listen to your problems and try to find fault with you instead of giving you a proper solution and
3)Those who do not even bother to listen to you.
Hope you guys are of the first kind.
P:S: Hope this post did not seem like a treatise on discipline and social behavior. As they say giving gyan (preaching) is easy!!!!!!
10 Comments: am here always for you.....
I will share all your any time....
see..Money is the root-cause for all the share it with me yaa ;-))
Nice post...something i have always felt..The more n more materialistically sophisticed man becomes ...the more he degrades in his social values.But very few even have time to think of it and rectify it.
Sweet Roomie, You will find yourself surrounded with so many people(Friends!!) at the times of joy, but u'll find urself alone at the times of distress.. This is a simple(HARSH!!) fact of life.. We can't expect others to motivate and cheer us all the time.. We have to take some consolation as long as there is no back-stabbing and keep moving on in our lifes..
Its a bad,bad world out there,and in the process of survival,no one has time to think about others..
Matty: If that's the way u solve other's problems, don't come near me.
Thoyakat: Fortunately, there are some who do something about it:)
Niki:Hope u get ur new employee soon....and thanks for the compliment(^0^)
Prad:Thanks for the advice....but if u dare to back stab me, u won't have any back left;)
hey boss...!
There might be ugly people all over outside...but as long as there are beautifull people with beautifull thoughts like you, the world shall remain a beautifull place...forever and ever...
Shikha: the reply to ur comment is in Kannan's comment;)
Kannan:Owwwww, I am overwhelmed.. thank u!!!!
HOLY CRAPPY SHIT I DINT KNOW U BLOG!!!! budbak u shoulda tol me... :) PS : ur fav senior here..
heyyyyy .....
this was a good one !
as was the valentine day post
good observation ... guess most women value their freedom ... me included !
Niki Chan:weekend I had to be in the office:(
aj:Now u when r u coming to India?
~*.deepa.*~:Thanks....hope u had a great Valentine's day!!
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